CAD AUDIO introduces a new hybrid type of amplifier.
CAD AUDIO DELTA series analog/digital
amplifier modules is a new development in audio amplifiers designed to
raise the bar of performance among digital amplifers as such.
CAD AUDIO DELTA series are sort of a
hybrid amplifier with an analog input/frontend, analog output, analog
feedback and a switching amplifier "inside", this gives several
advantages like the high efficiency know from class-d amplifiers and
the true hifi audio quality mostly associated with good linear
15 Hz til 30 kHz power bandwidth (- 0.5
dB) largely load independant , <0,05THD+N, -100 dB noise floor, square wave reproduction like a good
analog amplifier , high damping factor, very low noise etc etc
They operate from 2x15V and upwards and the dont need an aux 12v
EMI and RFI are excellent (unlike other types) , the amplifiers and
completely stable with or without load and will drive a 2 ohms load
without problems. The amplifiers have protection circuitry to protect
the amplifier and the load but no protection like current clippers or
other that degrade the audio quality.
And the most important part , true HIFI
audio quality where you dont have to choose between dull and boxed-in
sound (like you-know-who) or more agressive and squeaky sound (like
We wish to challenge designers of digital amplifiers; design and build
an amplifier that outperforms or just equals our DELTA type amplifiers
in terms of specs,performance and audio quality.

Delta 504A prototype
Delta 504A 1 khz square
Delta 504A 10 kHz square
DELTA amplifier modules can be powered from a linear or a
switch-mode power supply, with their high power supply rejection its
not critical at all.
For prices on the DELTA amplifier
modules , please see
Amplifier modules without power supply;
DELTA 254A - HB amp -
2x45V DC max - 135W/8 ohms - 270W/4 ohms - (500W/ 2 ohm)
81 x 73 x 30 mm -
DELTA 258A - HB amp -
2x70V DC max - 300W/8 ohms - (500W+ / 2 ohms) - 81 x 73 x 30 mm -
DELTA 504A - HB amp - 2x70V DC max - 300W/8
ohms - 550W/4 ohms - (1200W/2 ohms)
91 x 75 x 30 mm -
DELTA 508A - HB amp - 2x90V DC max - 550W/8 ohms -
(1100W/2 ohms) - 91 x 75 x 30 mm -
DELTA 1004A - HB amp - 2x90V DC max - 550W/8 ohms - 1100W/ 4 ohms
- (2200W/ 2 ohms)
91 x 75 x 35 mm -
DELTA 502A2 - 2 ch/FB amp - 2x45V DC max - 2x500W/2 ohms, - 1x1000W/4 ohms
- 126 x 73 x 30 mm -
DELTA 504A2 - 2 ch/FB amp - 2x70V DC max - 2x550W/4 ohms,
- 1x1100W/8 ohms
- 126 x 73 x 30 mm -
Amplifier modules with switch-mode
power supply;
DELTA 254ASW - HB amp +
SMPS - 115/230V AC - 135W/8 ohms - 270W/4 ohms - (500W/ 2 ohms)
(Delta 254A + switch mode power supply) - 165 x 100 x 40mm -
DELTA 258ASW - HB amp +
SMPS - 115/230V AC - 300W/8 ohms - (500W/ 4 ohm)
(Delta 258A + switch mode power supply) - 165 x 100 x 40mm -
DELTA 504ASW - HB amp + SMPS - 115/230V AC -
300W/8 ohms - 600W/4 ohms - (1200W/2 ohms)
(Delta 504A + switch mode power supply) - 165 x 100 x 40mm -
DELTA 508ASW - HB amp + SMPS - 115/230V AC -
550W/8 ohms - (1100W/4 ohms)
(Delta 504A + switch mode power supply) - 165 x 100 x 40mm -
DELTA 1000ASW - FB amp + SMPS - 115/230V AC - 550W/8 ohms - 1100W/4 ohms -
(Delta 1004A + switch.mode power supply) - 165 x 100 x 40mm -
DELTA 502ASW2 - HB amp + SMPS - 115/230V AC - 2x 550W/2 ohms -
1 x 1100W/ 4 ohms -
(Delta 502A2 + switch mode power supply) - 200 x 85 x 40mm -
DELTA 504ASW2 - HB amp + SMPS - 115/230V AC - 2x 550W/4 ohm -
1 x 1100W/ 8 ohm -
(Delta 504A2 + switch mode strømforsyning) - 200 x 85 x 40mm -
Of course these amplifiers are also suited
to a range of professional applications and we plan to use them in our
DPA rack amplifiers , and in our DSA speaker amps and we will also
offer the designs for licensing.
Ask for further information if needed ,
you can also visit
for more information.